"This challenged me in the best way."

Want to begin a writing practice, but don't know where to start?

You might have a journal practice, but you want prompts to dive deep into thoughts that may have never come up before.

Or maybe you want creative conversation starters.

This journal will guide you through a writing practice that challenge you to think about your relationships with friends, significant others, work, and yourself.

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    Practice Over Perfection

    Life is messy, so is journaling. Overcome perfectionism by writing down whatever is on your mind and in your heart. Journaling helps with understanding thoughts that drive our behaviors.

    Be Compassionately Candid

    The inner-critic likes to be loud sometimes. Offer yourself honesty with kindness. Remember your strengths when writing.

    Enjoy the Process

    Let this be totally for you by you! This is your story, and no one is here to judge. Have fun, laugh at yourself, and enjoy the process.